
Film latches onto our primitive levels and guides us through an experience. As a storyteller, I focus on character and the emotional journey of the hero.

  • First One

    T-Rex Boy

    Mad Scientist creates a dino-humanoid creature which launches a Y-File case for Agent Duck Mallard.

  • second one


    A story 500 years in the baking. Ferdinand, an ancient sourdough starter, curses the Terranova family.

  • third gym training

    "Spiderman is Peter Parker"

    The King-Pin is up for parole, and he knows Spiderman's secret identity.

  • fourth muscle

    2-Rex Boy

    After several strange sightings, the FBI reopens the Y-Files, and Agent Dog Doggit is assigned to the case.

  • training fifth

    13 Ounces of Moonshine

    Head North to Alaska and meet Virgil Santos, a starry eyed, silver-tounged, helpless romantic.

  • gym training

    X-Mas Eve

    'Twas the night before the end of commercialized Christmas.


GREEN light GO

Give your next project a green light with GoMotion MEDIA. Professional 4K video production and editing.

Total  recut

Editing is a machete, hacking through films and creating new pathways. These movies, recut as parody, demonstrate how editing effects story.

Star Wars Remixed

Star Wars Remixed

The first six Star Wars films recut into one complete story of Anakin Skywalker's rise from a tortured slave boy and into the twisted cyborg known as Darth Vader. As the dark side slips through, Anakin becomes the lynchpin, who is unable to stop his own evil prescience.

The Royal Recut

The Royal Recut

A classic retelling of the life and death of Royal Tenenbaum. This abridged parody plays with character and tone change and delivers an entertaining take on the original film. Royal Tenenbaum thumps along as the heart of the story.

Lost: In Tropic Thunder

Lost: In Tropic Thunder

In the middle of the 2007 Typhoon season, production for the blockbuster Tropic Thunder fell apart, and rookie director Damien Cockburn continued into the jungles of South Vietnam to shoot his film. This documentary searches for clues as to what happened to the missing director and his actors.


Life is an adventure, a story played out through scenes of time and space. These same principles apply to film, except here the rules bend and form within the juxtaposition of sound and image.

Video Producer & Editor

Joshua Chambers

The technical aspects of filmmaking keep me occupied, it's a constant study of composition, lighting, and sound design. With attention directed to screenwriting and story, I maintain an interest in using video to inform, educate, and downright entertain.

4K Cinema Production


The Pacific Northwest lures me into the weeping ferns, where stories crawl in the shadow of unusual locations. This natural wonder inspires nutrient ideas, with its wide color and depth of landscape. As rain pounds or the sun shines, there is beauty waiting to be framed and focused upon.

Adobe CC & DaVinci Resolve

Video Editing

I craft stories using a classic style of film editing based on continuity, clarity, and invisibility. Inside the editing room, the pieces align and character emerges from action- to join color, sound, and movement. My editing career spans brand content, entertainment, and lifestyle video.